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Drug Lord ability

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At max rank there isn't much to do. You could become a cop, but why give up your hard earned tag?
In the real world (using the escobar era for example) it was not only police and DEA agents who would take down drug producers. It was also the high up drug lords themselves. All drug lords of the real world not only avoided cops to reach their status, but also squashed any and all competition so that they could remain unchallenged at the top of the drug game.
With this idea in mind, I propose that the Drug Lords of MCD be able to frisk people at spawn, but instead of selling in the cop house they would just sell at the drug house or prison like normal players. (Obviously they would not be able to frisk inside the drug house or the spawn building) This would be a cool thing for drug lords to spend their time doing and a more entertaining way to make some money than farming (which drug lords have spent more than enough time doing.)
I realize that this would just make rich richer, but you have to realize that the only thing to spend money on when you hit max is either buying mats or helping friends rank up.
Thanks for considering it!


Active Member
I do agree there should be "something more" but drug lords shouldn't be able to frisk other players. Mostly for 2 reasons, A: many people are reaching this rank or nearing it. B: If you want to "squash" others that would be considered raiding. Also if you want to, become a cop. Once you're a cop you can always revert to your previous drug rank or if you really need something to do, start over. <3


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I don't really like the idea of someone that has gotten max rank frisking others, they already have a hard enough time with cops. But like Nino said there should be something more, that is where people should help come up with ideas. In my opinion there should at least be a kit master prestige (nothing op, just something unique).


I agree with Ninoriff and Zhihu. Cops are notable for catching drug producers and should remain that way, not other druglords. I think that is what makes this server unique, but I do believe there so be something more for druglords that gets larger and more beneficial at every prestige, something that can interact with the players.

You are on the right track, but quite there yet. Nice thought Harbey!


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Retired Staff
The frisking idea is certainly out of the question completely.

But again, I'd like to stress that when we made this rank it was designed literally as a status. We decided quite early on that we weren't going to do anything overly extravagant for players who reached the rank(Other than the tags & NPCs), as we wanted it to be the rank that players got to "Just because they could". Similar to Heisenberg last map, we had made the decision for there to be no reward other than the tag.
I don't necessarily see a way that we we would give a specific feature to DrugLords(Such as not being able to be frisked by the cops at all - Like three or four maps ago's WhizKhalifa & Rasta Ranks. Nor allowing them to frisk other players.) However, I see it fit to add a kit as to align it with the other ranks.

However, as usual - all ideas that don't directly contradict what myself, Dakota or Jrd have set in concrete are completely welcome.


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My main reason for posting this was to start some conversation about possible drug lord perks, and while I do agree that drug lords shouldn't have anything super op, I do believe that there should be something tangible to the rank (even if it doesn't affect gameplay). The kit idea would be awesome, but there is one issue that I have been fighting for since I hit the rank months ago -
This fucking sign at warp tutorial.
It has been here since the start of the map, and one of my main motivations to reaching max rank was finding out exactly what this sign does. You can imagine my peril when I hit the rank after weeks of farming only to find out that the sign does nothing. Nothing at all. It fucking honeypots you into reaching max rank, only to leave you with blue balls. Drug lords don't need any special perks or abilities, but this sign could be turned into a warp sign leading to the drug lord house, as was its original purpose. I think it would be even cooler if anyone could use this warp sign and visit the house that pays tribute to max ranked people. Thats all we really need. Ive asked a few times on the server for this to be done, but I have yet to make a post for it on the forums. Well here it is. Please, please, please. Please either fix this or remove it.
I honestly don't think anyone else cares about this but me, but it drives me insane for some reason


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I think it would be cool if the warp could be used by anyone to show off anyone who gets to the drug lord rank as it is the most difficult rank to achieve, and takes a lot of hard work dedication and motivation.


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MVP+ do I delete a post...
On some forum threads you cannot delete a post. What you would normally do is to go to your post then near the bottom of it, it should say "Edit Delete" and this might have a few more options.
If it does not show there, you can try to go near the top of your post and press Thread Tools which is a drop down menu. However, this may not work either, at this point you can ask a Mod+ to delete your post/forum thread.

Hope this helps
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